1. Brace can be worn directly on skin (over diaper) or over form-fitting clothing. Make sure any clothing is smooth and wrinkle-free.
2. Brace should be put on with the patient on their back. The patient may either be laid into the brace or the patient’s feet lifted to slide the brace under them.
3. The thigh sections should be secured first, tucking the foam that wraps around the front of the thighs into the back of the brace so there are no gaps and securing Velcro straps. Then, the waist belt should be secured.
Skin Care
The brace may be worn directly on the skin (over a diaper) or over form-fitting clothing. Pull any clothing tight so there are minimal wrinkles under the brace. If the patient is sweating, change any clothing worn under the brace more often. Moisture can cause skin breakdown, infections, and body odor.
You must check the patient’s skin frequently for red or pink marks. If a red or pink mark stays on a patient’s skin for longer than 30 minutes after removing the brace, there might be too much pressure and you should contact your orthotist.
Avoid using lotions, creams, and oils on the skin under the brace. These products soften the skin and may lead to blisters or other skin irritations.
If open sores or blisters develop, notify your orthotist as soon as possible.
Cleaning the Brace
Clean the brace as needed with mild soap and warm water, baby wipes, or with rubbing alcohol. Make sure the patient’s body part and the brace is dry before putting on the brace.
Follow-Up Appointments
If concerns arise schedule a follow-up appointment. If at any time, the brace needs repair or doesn’t seem to be fitting correctly, schedule an appointment with the Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Seating department. You can call 651-390-8707 or refer a patient by calling 651-325-2200.