Development Evaluation

Every child is unique and develops at their own individual pace. This is perfectly normal, but if you notice differences in your child’s learning, play, movement, or communication, those can be signs for concern.
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The connections in a baby’s brain are most adaptable in the first three years of life. These connections are the foundation for learning, behavior, and health. Over time, these connections become harder to change.
At Gillette Children’s Developmental Evaluation Clinic, we offer comprehensive assessments for children ages 0 to 17, with specialized expertise in infants and toddlers ages 0 to 3 who may be at risk for developmental delays. (Note this appointment does not evaluate behavioral delays.)
What is a physical developmental delay?
A delayed developmental milestone, also known as a delayed milestone, is when a child does not reach a particular developmental milestone at the expected age. Not every child with a delay will catch up. Some missed milestones can be red flags that point to more significant concerns.
Developmental delay can affect any child, but our neurodevelopmental experts often look for risk factors like:
- Children born before 33 weeks.
- Needing extended oxygen support in a neonatal intensive care unit or upon discharge.
- Abnormal head ultrasound.
- Illness at or around the time of birth.
- Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy, with or without cooling protocol.
- Infant developmental concerns.
- Persistent fisting hands.
- Persistent head lag.
- Delayed sitting.
- Stiffness or tightness in legs.
- Hand preferences before 12 months.
- Asymmetry in postures or movements.
You know your child best. If you or your primary care provider thinks there might be a developmental delay, don’t wait to act. Ask your doctor for a referral to Gillette for a more in-depth evaluation of your child.
Gillette Development Evaluation specialists can help find answers and start building a treatment plan.
Request a Development Evaluation
To request an evaluation for your child, fill out our online appointment request form. Someone will get in touch to schedule you with a specialist.
What to Expect at a Development Evaluation Appointment
During the appointment, your child will likely see three medical experts. A pediatric neurologist, pediatric rehabilitation medicine specialist, and physical or occupational therapist will collaborate as a multidisciplinary team to evaluate, screen, and diagnose children experiencing delayed motor skills development. Together, they perform evaluations and create a treatment plan.
Our evaluations use diagnostic tools like the General Movements Assessment (GMA) and Hammersmith Neurological Exam (HINE), especially for infants and toddlers. For older children, we focus on ongoing motor and developmental opportunities for progress.
If your child’s evaluation does result in the need for additional testing or treatment, your family can know that you’re exactly where you need to be going forward. Gillette Children’s is a world leader in treating pediatric developmental conditions. We will help you navigate every step of the way.
Request a Developmental Evaluation
To request an evaluation, fill out our online appointment request form. Someone will get in touch to schedule you with a specialist. (