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- 2025 Gillette Children’s APP Pediatric Specialty Conference - Monday, April 28, 2025
- 2025 Miracle Treat Day - Thursday, July 31, 2025
- 2025 Gillette Golf Tournament - Monday, August 4, 2025
- 2025 Walk & Roll with Gillette Children’s - Saturday, September 20, 2025
- 2025 Extra Life Game Day - Saturday, November 8, 2025
- 2025 KS95 for Kids Radiothon - December 12, 2025 | 5:00 am- 6:00 pm
- Adaptive Cycle Expo - Sunday, September 29 | 12:00-2:30 pm
- An Orthopedic Eye on Gait Abnormalties - Webinar
- Spasticity Management - Webinar
- Orthotic Management Considerations - Webinar
- Neurosurgical Perioperative Considerations for the Primary Care Provider - Webinar
- Infant & Toddler Developmental Evaluation - Webinar
- What is Complex in Complex Peds? Drooling, Swallowing, G-tubes, Pain - Webinar
- Developmental Orthopedics: In-Toeing, Out-Toeing, and Lower Extremity Alignment - Webinar
- Spina Bifida Management and the Importance of a Coordinated Clinic - Webinar
- The Identification and Treatment of the Infant and Child with Motor Delay - Webinar
- What’s New in Pediatric Spine Care - Webinar
- Managing Aspiration Pneumonia - Webinar
- The Value of Care Coordination and Effective Transition of Care from Pediatrics to Adult Services for the Complex Patient - Webinar
- Hip Pain in Children and Young Adults: Joint Preserving Techniques to Prevent Early Onset Osteoarthritis - Webinar
- Cerebral Palsy Early Interventions: What is New in Care and Research - Webinar
- Pediatric Gait: A Review of Normal vs. Pathologic Patterns and Case Examples - Webinar
- ACL injuries and surgery in the pediatric population - Webinar
- Seizure Recognition and First Aid/Management - Webinar
- Supporting the Nutrition Needs of Children with Complex Medical Conditions: A Focus on Nutrition Support - Webinar
- Evaluation and Treatment of Back Pain in the Young Child - Webinar
- Sleep Disorders in Children with Disabilities, Describing the Four Somnias: In-, Dys-, Para-, and Hyper- - Webinar
- Acute Pediatric Fracture Management - Webinar
- Pediatric Orthotic and Seating Interventions - Webinar
- Managing Complex Children via Telemedicine - Webinar
- Complex Pediatrics - Webinar
- Willmar Clinic
- St. Cloud Clinic
- St. Paul - Phalen Clinic
- Maple Grove Clinic
- Mankato Clinic
- Duluth Clinic
- Burnsville Clinic
- Baxter Clinic
- Bemidji Clinic
- Alexandria Clinic
- St. Paul Campus
- Dawn Baddeley, Vice President, Hospital Operations
- Stephen Bariteau, Executive Vice President, Philanthropy
- Carolyn Bertling, Vice President, Clinic Operations
- Kit Brady, Vice President, Human Resources
- Marnie Falk, Director, Public Policy
- Tim Getsay, Executive Vice President, Performance & Integration
- Barbara Joers, President and CEO
- Ashley Karlen, Vice President, Revenue Cycle Management
- Stacy Mays, Vice President, Strategic Business Development
- Paula Montgomery, Executive Vice President, Administrative Affairs
- Patrick Nolan, Executive Vice President, Finance & Infrastructure
- Beth Risberg, Vice President, Infrastructure
- Ankur Sharma, Vice President, Integrated Care Services
- Andrea Stoesz, Director, External Affairs
- Allison Bader, Donor Experience & Development Officer
- Stephen Bariteau, Executive Vice President, Philanthropy
- Sara Berkbigler, Supervisor - Children's Miracle Network Hospitals & Annual Giving
- Julia Burns, Advancement Services Specialist
- Chris Cheney, Development Officer – Major Gifts
- Lara Coppock, Development Officer – Major Gifts
- Maribeth Dauphinais, Advancement Services, Supervisor
- Mary Heer-Forsberg, Director of Development & Philanthropy
- Chrysa Prom, Development Officer – Foundation Giving
- Drew Raney, Annual Giving Specialist
- Elizabeth Riehl, Development Officer – Children's Miracle Network Hospitals
- Dylan Ritchie, Development Officer – Children's Miracle Network Hospitals
Research & Clinical Scientists
- Elizabeth Boyer, PhD, Clinical Scientist, Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Chantel Burkitt, PhD, Clinical Scientist, Pain and Comfort and Rett Syndrome Research
- Rhonda Cady, PhD, RN, Clinical ScientistResearch Program Lead, Health Services
- Mo Chen, PhD, Clinical Scientist, Neuroscience Research Program Lead, Adjunct Associate Professor
- Sara Morgan, PhD, Clinical Scientist, Spine
- Susan A. Novotny, PhD, Clinical Scientist of Orthopedics; Co-Director of Orthopedic Research; Affiliate Assistant Professor University of Minnesota – Medical School Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
- Jamie Price, Clinical Research Coordinator
- Andrew Ries, PhD, Engineer
- Christine Santa Ana, Clinical Research Coordinator
- Michael Schwartz, PhD, Clinical Scientist, Gait and Motion Analysis Research
- Alyssa Spomer, PhD, Clinical Scientist, Rehabilitation
Conditions & Care
- Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM)
- Acute Orthopedic Clinic (ACOR)
- Adolescent Hip Dysplasia
- Adult Services
- Aerodigestive Clinic
- Amniotic Band Syndrome
- Antimicrobial Stewardship Team
- Apert Syndrome
- Aquatic Pool Therapy
- Arteriovenous Malformations
- Arthritis
- Arthrogryposis
- Audiology
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication
- Becker Muscular Dystrophy
- Birth Brachial Plexus Injury
- Birthmarks and Vascular Anomalies
- Bone Density Scan (DXA)
- Botulinum Toxin and Phenol (Injected Spasticity Medications)
- Bowlegs
- Brain Injury
- Brain Injury Symptom and Effects
- Brain Injury Treatment
- Cardiology
- Casting and Bracing to Treat Scoliosis
- Cerebral Palsy
- Cerebral Palsy Diagnosis and Treatments
- Cerebral Palsy Institute
- Cerebral Palsy Symptoms and Effects
- Cervical Spine Ligamentous Injury
- Chaplaincy
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease
- Chiari Malformation
- Child Life
- Cleft Lip and Palate
- Cleft Lip and Palate Repair
- Clubfoot
- Complex Care
- Complex Movement Disorders
- Complex Movement Disorders Clinic
- Comprehensive Inpatient Rehabilitation
- Computed Tomography (CT) Scan
- Concussion and Related Neurotrauma
- Congenital Nevus
- Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT)
- Corpus Callosotomy
- COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
- CranioCap® Orthosis
- Craniofacial and Plastic Surgery
- Craniosynostosis
- Craniosynostosis Surgery (Cranial Vault Remodeling)
- Craniosynostosis Surgery: Frequently Asked Questions
- Craniotomy
- Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
- Deformational Plagiocephaly (Flat Head)
- Dentistry and Orthodontics
- Development Evaluation
- Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH)
- Down Syndrome
- Down Syndrome Care at Gillette
- Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
- During Your Hospital Stay for SDR
- During Your Hospital Stay for SEMLS
- Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT, or Otolaryngology)
- Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS)
- Electroencephalography (EEG) and Video Electroencephalography (VEEG)
- Electromyogram (EMG)
- Endocrinology
- EOS X-Ray Imaging System
- Epilepsy and Seizures
- Epilepsy Diagnosis & Treatment
- Feeding Tubes
- Fiberoptic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) Test
- Fibular Hemimelia or Fibular Deficiency
- First Seizure Evaluation
- Flatfoot
- Fluoroscopy
- Gait and Motion Analysis
- Gastroenterology
- Genetics
- Going Home After SDR Surgery
- Guillain Barre Syndrome
- Halo Vest
- Hemifacial Microsomia
- Hemispherectomy
- Hip Abduction Brace Application and Use Guidelines
- Hip Impingement (Femoral Acetabular Impingement)
- Hip Preservation
- Holistic Health and Wellness
- How to Prepare for a Speech, Physical, and/or Occupational Virtual Visit
- Hydrocephalus
- Hypermobility
- Idiopathic Toe Walking
- Infectious Disease Care
- Intrathecal Baclofen Pump
- ITB Pump Follow-Up Care
- Juvenile Dermatomyositis
- Ketogenic Diet
- Knock Knees
- Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease
- Level I Pediatric Trauma Center
- Limb Length Discrepancy and Limb Differences
- Low Glycemic Index Diet
- Macrodactyly
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- Microcephaly
- Microtia
- Motor Delays
- Music Therapy
- Nasendoscopy and Nasopharyngoscopy
- Neurodiagnostics
- Neuromuscular Disorders
- Neuromuscular Scoliosis
- Neuropalliative Care
- Neuropsychology
- Neurosurgery
- Non Surgical Orthopedics
- Nutrition and Feeding
- Nutrition Services
- Occupational Therapy
- Orthopedics
- Orthotics
- Orthotics, Prosthetics and Seating
- Osgood-Schlatter Disease
- Osteochondritis Dissecans
- Osteogenesis Imperfecta
- Osteomyelitis
- Patellar Instability and Patellofemoral Pain
- Pediatric Expert Consult
- Pediatric Expert Consult Appointments
- Pediatric Intensive Care (Critical Care)
- Pediatric Neurology
- Pediatric Sports Medicine
- Pediatric Trigger Thumb
- Pediatrics and General Medicine
- Pelvic Floor Biofeedback
- Perthes Care at Gillette
- Perthes Disease Symptoms and Treatment
- Physical Therapy
- Physical Therapy for Scoliosis
- Play Therapy
- Polio
- Polydactyly
- Ponseti Cast Application and Removal
- Ponseti Method for Clubfoot
- Posterior Spine Fusion Surgery
- Prader-Willi Syndrome
- Preparing for ITB Surgery
- Preparing for SDR Surgery
- Preparing for SEMLS Surgery
- Pressure Wounds and Skin Integrity Issues
- Prone Carts
- Prosthetics
- Psychology
- Pulmonology and Respiratory Care
- Pump Implantation
- Quick Care Clinic
- Radiology and Imaging
- Rare Disease
- Rare Disease Treatment
- Rare Diseases We Treat
- Rehab Therapies (PT OT Speech)
- Rehabilitation Medicine
- Rehabilitation Services
- Rehabilitation Therapies: Consultative Care Services
- Resective Epilepsy Surgery
- Respiratory Muscle Training (RMT)
- Rett Syndrome
- Robotic Assisted Locomotor Training (RobALT or Lokomat)
- Scheuermann’s Disease
- School Services
- Scoliosis (Idiopathic, Neuromuscular and Congenital)
- Scoliosis Diagnosis
- Scoliosis Surgery
- Scoliosis Treatment
- Seating and Mobility Equipment
- Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) Surgery
- SEMLS Procedures
- SEMLS Rehabilitation and Recovery
- Shunt Surgery for Hydrocephalus
- Single-Event Multilevel Surgery (SEMLS)
- Sleep Disorders
- Sleep Medicine
- Sleep Study (Polysomnography)
- Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (SCFE)
- Social Work
- Spasticity Evaluation
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Spina Bifida
- Spina Bifida Care at Gillette
- Spina Bifida Symptoms and Treatment
- Spinal Cord Injury
- Spinal Cord Injury Symptoms and Effects
- Spinal Cord Injury Treatment
- Spinal Fusion
- Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)
- Spine
- Spine Institute
- Spine Tests and Management
- Spondylolysis
- Surgery
- Symptoms of Epilepsy & Seizures
- Syndactyly
- Tethered Spinal Cord
- The Road to ELEVIDYS Infusion Day
- Therapeutic Recreation
- Torticollis
- Transition Services
- Transition: Frequently Asked Questions
- Ultrasound
- Upper Extremity Functional and Intensive Therapy
- Urology
- Vagus Nerve Stimulation
- Velopharyngeal Dysfunction (VPD)
- Ventral Dorsal Rhizotomy
- Vertebral Body Tethering
- Vesicostomy Surgical Procedure
- Virtual Rehab Therapy
- What Causes Spine Disorders
- What is a Brain Injury?
- What is A Rare Disease?
- What is a Spinal Cord Injury?
- What is an ITB Pump?
- What Is Cerebral Palsy?
- What Is Down Syndrome?
- What Is Epilepsy Surgery?
- What is Epilepsy?
- What is Gait and Motion Analysis?
- What is Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease?
- What is Ponseti Casting?
- What Is Scoliosis?
- What Is Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy Surgery or SDR Surgery?
- What is SEMLS?
- What is Spina Bifida?
- What Should I Expect at a Gait Analysis Appointment?
- X-Ray
Care Team
- Robert Acton, MD, Pediatric Surgeon
- Wendy Aeling, OT, Occupational Therapist
- Tosin Alabi , PhD, LP, Neuropsychologist
- Annie Albers, SLP, Speech Language Pathologist
- Lindsey Alcock, OT, Occupational Therapist
- Nanette Aldahondo, MD, Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine Physician
- Andrew Amundson, PT, Physical Therapist
- Kathryn Anderson, DDS, Dentist
- Dana Anderson, SLP, Speech Language Pathologist, Clinical Educator
- Abigail Anderson, PA-C, Physician Assistant
- Cheryl Anderson-Cermin, DDS, Orthodontist
- Emily Andrisevic, MD, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
- Amy Authement, MD, Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine Physician
- Tori Bahr, MD, FAAP, Internal Medicine and Pediatric Physician
- Steven Baisch, MD, Critical Care Intensivist
- Jo Barta, MD, Pediatric Craniofacial and Plastic Surgeon
- Phil Becker, Deputy Chief Investment Officer, ECMC Group
- Nicole Becker, PT, Physical Therapist
- Amy Jo Beebe, MA, APRN, CPNP, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Art Beisang, MD, Complex Care Pediatrician
- April Benoit, MS, APRN, CNP, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Roxana Benson, OT, Occupational Therapist
- Micah Berman, MD, Pediatric Otolaryngologist
- Dave Bestler, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Hubbard Radio LLC
- Mitch Bleske, Chief Operating Officer, Bremer Financial Corporation
- Becca Blix, PT, Physical Therapist
- Deborah Bohn, MD, Pediatric Orthopedic Hand Surgeon
- Kelly Bolf, APRN, CNP FNP, Family Nurse Practitioner
- Olivia Bonde, PT, Physical Therapist
- Elizabeth Boyer, PhD, Clinical Scientist, Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Galen Breningstall, MD, Pediatric Neurologist
- Erik Brockman, MD, Critical Care Intensivist
- Emily Bryant Kirschenblatt, MS, LCGC, Genetic Counselor
- Katherine Buhrke, PhD, LP, ABPP-CN, Neuropsychologist
- Chantel Burkitt, PhD, Clinical Scientist, Pain and Comfort and Rett Syndrome Research
- Meghan Burnstine, PT, Physical Therapist
- Rhonda Cady, PhD, RN, Clinical ScientistResearch Program Lead, Health Services
- Jodi Capistrant, Director and Senior Partner, The Chartis Group
- Brian Carroll, MD, Pediatric Pulmonologist
- Keith Cavanaugh, MD, Pediatric Pulmonologist
- Karen Cepress, PT, Physical Therapist
- Mo Chen, PhD, Clinical Scientist, Neuroscience Research Program Lead, Adjunct Associate Professor
- Kelly Cho, MD, Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine Physician
- Alicia Choinski, SLP, Speech Language Pathologist
- Heidi Christianson, Attorney, Nilan Johnson
- Amy Clune, PT, Physical Therapist
- Tiffany Cobb, PhD, LP, Neuropsychologist
- David Collier, DDS, Pediatric Dentist
- Perry Coma, PT, Physical Therapist
- Trenton Cooper, DO, MS, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
- Rachel Cressler, PT , Physical Therapist
- Marlon Cush, Chair, General Counsel, Gravie
- Maggie Cutter, PA-C, Physician Assistant
- Mark Dahl, MD, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
- Todd Dalberg, DO, Pediatrician and Palliative Medicine Physician
- Elizabeth Davin, PA-C, Physician Assistant
- Heidi Davis, APRN, CPNP, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Supreet Deshpande, MD, Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine Physician
- Richard DiPrima, PsyD, LP, Neuropsychologist
- Josh Dirlam
- Alison Dittmer, MD, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
- Amanda Dominik, MSN, APRN, CPNP, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- LaMetrice Dopson, Senior Director, Construction, Comcast
- Gordon Drake, MD, Pediatric Radiologist
- Angela Drummond, MS, APRN, CPNP, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Katie Duff, OT, Occupational Therapist
- Michelle Eibensteiner, SLP, Speech Language Pathologist
- Mark Eikenberry, MD, Critical Care Intensivist
- Charbel El Kosseifi, MD, Pediatric Neurologist
- Sean Elliott, MD, Urologist
- Michelle Engberg, PT, Physical Therapist
- Stephen England, MD, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
- Carrie Erion, SLP, Speech Language Pathologist
- Jamie Eskuri, MD, Pediatric Neurologist
- Kelsey Everson, APRN, CPNP, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Janey Farber, PT, Physical Therapist
- Kelsey Fazekas, PT, Physical Therapist
- Brandilynne Ferderer, PT, Physical Therapist
- Tim Feyma, MD, Pediatric Neurologist
- Courtney Fochs, PT, Physical Therapist
- Heather Forst, OT, Occupational Therapist, Clinical Educator
- Christine Foulkes, DDS, Dentist
- John Fox, DO, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physician
- John Fugate, MD, Pediatric Intensivist
- Madeleine Gagnon, MD, Complex Care Pediatrician
- John Garcia, MD, Sleep Medicine Physician
- Christina Geidel, PT, Physical Therapist
- Andrew Georgiadis, MD, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
- Jill Gettings, MD, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physician
- Mary Golden, DNP, APRN, CPNP-PC, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Mark Gormley, Jr., MD, Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine Physician
- Annie Grabowski, SLP, Speech Language Pathologist
- Margaret Grace, PhD, LP, Psychologist
- Patrick Graupman, MD, Pediatric Neurosurgeon
- Kristine Greer, PT, Physical Therapist
- Laura Gueron, PT, Physical Therapist
- Tenner Guillaume, MD, Pediatric Spine Surgeon
- Sarah Hackworthy, LICSW, Psychotherapist
- Gabrielle Hagan, OT, Occupational Therapist
- Joseph Hall, PT, Physical Therapist
- Erinn Hanson, PT, Physical Therapist
- Caitlyn Hanson, OT, Occupational Therapist
- Danielle Harding, PA-C, Physician Assistant
- Diane Harper, Vice President, Consumer Insights and Analytics, Schwan’s Company
- Tiffany HarriSon, OT, Occupational Therapist
- Megan Haselbauer, PA-C, Physician Assistant
- Amal Hassan, OT, Occupational Therapist
- Steven Haun, MD, Pediatric Intensivist
- Michael Healy, MD, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
- Carrie Henchal, COTA, Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant
- Jessie Hendrickson, PT, Physical Therapist
- Meg Herrera, PT, Physical Therapist
- Kali Hietpas, PT, Physical Therapist
- Gregory Hildebrand, MD, Orthopedic Surgeon
- Dana Hoehn, PsyD, LP, Psychologist
- Sarah Hoyt, APRN, MSN, CPNP-PC, PHN, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Eva Igler, PhD, LP, Psychologist
- Erin Ingvalson, SLP, Speech Language Pathologist, Clinical Educator
- Linda Ireland, Community Volunteer
- Laura Jakes, PT , Physical Therapist
- Krissa Jefferis, APRN, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Barbara Joers, President and CEO
- Zachary Johnson, DO, Pediatric Pulmonologist
- Candice Johnson, OT, Occupational Therapist, Clinical Educator
- McKenzie Johnston, SLP, Speech Language Pathologist
- Kate Kaiser, PT, Physical Therapist
- Nandini Kataria, MD, Pediatric Pulmonologist
- Jenna Katorski, APRN, CNP, Family Nurse Practitioner
- Jean Kelecic, PT, Physical Therapist
- Rachel Kelm, PA-C, Physician Assistant
- Anna Kemmitt, OT, Occupational Therapist
- Peter Kim, MD, Pediatric Neurosurgeon
- Jennifer Kim, SLP, Speech Language Pathologist
- Rebecca Koerner, MD, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physician
- Steven Koop, MD, Teacher Emeritus
- Amanda Kriese, SLP, Speech Language Pathologist
- Kyleen Kriha, PT, Physical Therapist
- Shannon Kusz, OT, Occupational Therapist
- Peter Ladner, MD, Internal Medicine and Pediatric Physician
- Jennifer Laine, MD, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
- Alaina Laine, APRN, CNP, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Megan Lambert, MD, Pediatric Pulmonologist
- Maria Lamers, PT, Physical Therapist
- Mariah Larson, PT , Physical Therapist
- Jill Larson, PT, Physical Therapist
- Amanda Larson, PTA, Physical Therapist Assistant
- Denise Leighty, PNP, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Kara Leiser, PhD, LP, Neuropsychologist
- Caty Lingbeck, APRN, CPNP, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Emily Lockman , OT, Occupational Therapist, Clinical Educator
- Nancy Lovaas, PTA, Physical Therapist Assistant
- Analise Ludwig, AuD, CCC-A, FAAA, Audiologist
- Mary Maertens, President, M4Resources LLC
- Patrick Maillet, Government Relations Counsel, Legal Services Corporation
- Emma Marino, PT, Physical Therapist
- Kathy Maroney, OT, Occupational Therapist
- Kenneth Maslonka, MD, Critical Care Intensivist
- Liza May, DNP, APRN, CPNP, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Emily McCarthy, OT, Occupational Therapist
- Robin McDonald, PT, Physical Therapist, Clinical Educator
- Martha McGrory, APRN, CNP, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Jane McMillan, PT, Physical Therapist
- Catherine McMillin, OT, Occupational Therapist
- Briee Mercier, PT, Physical Therapist
- Anne Meyer, Chief Financial Officer , Neoolife
- Katie Michalski, SLP, Speech Language Pathologist
- Christina Mikesell, DO, Pediatric Pulmonologist
- Erik Mikkelsen, MD, Critical Care Intensivist
- Kyle Miller, MD, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
- Daniel Miller, MD, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
- Julie Mills, APRN, CNP, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Kelli Moberg, OT, Occupational Therapist
- Megan Moffatt, MS, APRN, CPNP, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Didima Mon-Sprehe, MD, Critical Care Intensivist
- Meredith Moore, SLP, Speech Language Pathologist
- Sara Morgan, PhD, Clinical Scientist, Spine
- Kelsey Mork, PA-C, Physician Assistant
- Nponda Nadjombe, OT, Occupational Therapist
- Nickolas Nahm, MD, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
- Heather Naylor, APRN, CNP, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Nelson Nelson, SLP, Speech Language Pathologist
- Katherine Nelson, DNP, APRN, CNP, Adult Nurse Practitioner
- Julie Neville, Treasurer, Community Volunteer
- Micah Niermann, MD, Internal Medicine and Pediatric Physician
- Jackie Norling, PT, Physical Therapist
- Tom Novacheck, MD, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
- Benjamin Novak, MD, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
- Susan A. Novotny, PhD, Clinical Scientist of Orthopedics; Co-Director of Orthopedic Research; Affiliate Assistant Professor University of Minnesota – Medical School Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
- Jeffrey Nowak, MD, Critical Care Intensivist
- Therese O'Bright, OT, Physical Therapist
- Kristen Olson, PT, Physical Therapist
- Alberto Orioles, MD, Pediatric Palliative Care and Critical Care Physician
- Mindy Ostrowski, APRN, CNP, DNP, Family Nurse Practitioner
- Andrew Ozolins, MD, Critical Care Intensivist
- Sam Paripovich, PT, Physical Therapist
- Joseph Pariser, MD, Urologist
- Janelle Pasch-Berglund, APRN, CNP, PNP, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Katie Patton, SLP, Speech Language Pathologist
- Kelley Paulson, PT, Physical Therapist
- Andrea Paulson, MD, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physician
- Giancarlo Perez-Albela, MD, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physician
- Joseph Perra, MD, Spine Surgeon
- Clara Petersen, SLP, Speech Language Pathologist
- Molly Peterson , PT, Physical Therapist
- Erin Peterson, PT, Physical Therapist
- Becky Pilarzyk, MSW, LICSW, Psychotherapist
- Rebecca Pilet, OT, Occupational Therapist
- Ginnie Pollen, Physical Therapist
- Jamie Price, Clinical Research Coordinator
- Jackie Price, PT, Physical Therapist
- Michael Pryor, MD, Pediatric Pulmonologist
- Deborah Quanbeck, MD, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
- Kayla Radle, MS, CGC, Genetic Counselor
- Rosemary Ramp, MD, Pediatric Physician
- Anna Rauch, DNP, APRN, CNP, PNP-PC, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Randal Richardson, MD, Pediatric Neurologist
- Andrew Ries, PhD, Engineer
- Scott Robinson, Community Volunteer
- Cathleen Rock, APRN, CPNP, ACPNP, PMHS, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Lisa Rounds, OT, Occupational Therapist
- Daniel Saltzman, MD, PhD, Pediatric Surgeon
- Christine Santa Ana, Clinical Research Coordinator
- April Schaack, PhD, LP, Psychologist
- Graham Schenck, PhD, CCC-SLP, Craniofacial Speech Language Pathologist
- Alison Schiffern, MD, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
- Jessica Schiller, OT, Occupational Therapist
- Ann Schminski, MSN, APRN, CNP, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Samantha Schoenecker, PT, Physical Therapist
- Kali Schreiner, MS, CGC, Genetic Counselor
- Lee Yung Schuh, MD, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physician
- Teresa Schultz, PNP, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Amy Schulz, PT, Physical Therapist, Clinical Educator
- Amy Schwanke, DNP, APRN, FNP-C, Adult Nurse Practitioner
- Michael Schwartz, PhD, Clinical Scientist, Gait and Motion Analysis Research
- Britta Schwartzhoff, PT , Physical Therapist
- Amanda Seeley, PNP, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Dana Seifert, PT , Physical Therapist
- Michelle Seim, SLP, Speech Language Pathologist
- Matthew Severson , MD, Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine Physician
- Michael Shreve, MD, Pediatric Pulmonologist
- Emmalynn Sigrist, DO, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
- Angela Sinner, DO, Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine Physician
- Jamee Smith, OT, Occupational Therapist
- Margo Snow, PT, Physical Therapist
- Debbie Song, MD, Pediatric Neurosurgeon
- Benhoor Soumekh, MD, Pediatric Otolaryngologist
- Alyssa Spomer, PhD, Clinical Scientist, Rehabilitation
- Rulon Stacey, Vice Chair, President, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- Jean Stansbury, APRN, CNP, CHPPN, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Natalie Stork, MD, Pediatric Orthopedic (Nonsurgical) and Sports Medicine Physician
- Ellie Sullivan, SLP, Speech Language Pathologist
- Jacob Sunder, OT, Occupational Therapist
- Erica Suski, RPA, Radiology Practitioner Assistant
- Marshall Taniguchi, MD, Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine Specialist
- Rod Tarrago, MD, Pediatric Intensivist
- Amy Tasca, DDS, PhD, Orthodontist
- Erin Tentis-Berglund, PhD, LP, Psychologist
- Andrew Thelander, Senior Vice President, Financial Advisor, Wealth Enhancement Group
- Peter Thill, MD, Critical Care Intensivist
- Deana Thomasson, APRN, PMHS, CPNP, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Barbara Thornton, OT, Occupational Therapist
- Laura Tillman, DNP, APRN, CPNP, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Susan Toavs, SLP, Speech Language Pathologist
- Marc Tompkins, MD, Orthopedic Surgeon - Sports Medicine
- Isabelle Tonsfeldt, PT, Physical Therapist
- Susanna Tran, APRN, CNP, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Angela Tridgell, MD, Pediatric Endocrinologist
- Walter Truong, MD, Pediatric Orthopedic and Spine Surgeon
- Uyen Truong, MD, Complex Care Pediatrician
- Kathy Tune, Secretary, Managing Partner, Capita3 Ventures
- Annabelle Vaage, PT, Physical Therapist
- David Van Engen, PsyD, LP, Psychologist
- Ann Van Heest, MD, Orthopedic Surgery
- Paula Vander Schaaf, OT, Occupational Therapist
- David Vandersteen, MD, Pediatric Urologist
- Jessica Vang, NP, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Marcelo Vargas, MD, Medical Geneticist
- Michael Vespasiano, MD, Critical Care Intensivist
- Meghan Volkel, PT, Physical Therapist
- Nancy Wagner, PhD, LP, Psychologist
- Kevin Walker, MD, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
- Anna Walker, DNP, APRN, CPNP, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Marcie Ward, MD, Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine Physician
- Kate Ward, PT, Physical Therapist
- Gretchen Weatherly, PhD, LP, Neuropsychologist
- Shawn Wedlund, APRN, CNP, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- Ellen Weikle, SLP, Speech Language Pathologist
- Anne Weisensee, MD, Pediatric Radiologist
- Brittany Wickoren, SLP, Speech Language Pathologist
- Jennifer Wilhelmy, ANP, Adult Nurse Practitioner
- Katie Wilkins, PT, Physical Therapist
- Madee Willi, PT , Physical Therapist
- Nicole Williams - Doonan, MD, Pediatric Neurologist
- Chris Yang, MD, Critical Care Intensivist
- Lauren Yauch, DO, MPH, Endocrinologist
- Judith Zier, MD, Critical Care Intensivist